Hmm I wonder if Hawley's prophecy will become true seeing that they've all moved home, will their feet touch the ground again and be ordinary again or will they still be the revered demi human secret society we all dont know about?
Anyways enough from me, what you see here is the result of:
- Being able to infiltrate SS HQ
- Wake up Phillip at the reasonable hour of 9am as opposed to 2pm
- Get some phone calls answered by the secret double agents.
- As you noticed the colours on Phillip's name are a mix of colours. I tried to incorporate a German flag into the shades of it. Don't know how well it worked though!
- Homeboy on the guitar was psyched on Phillip. Apparently he had dropped everything and moved up to Sydney from Melbourne to try and come up on his songwriting prowess.
- Minto drains was one of the first times I skated with Phillip.
Phillip:"What does cheeky mean?"
George: "It's like being naughty"
- Fertig= "Done" in Himburg dialect.
- Phillip's first line at Questacon was a result of a Secret Society trip to Canberra consisting of 2 cars of people excluding myself and Hawley.
consisted of Dean, Phillip, Troy, Hawley and Myself. Good times.
- Skating the bench through the gap in Melbourne was probably the hottest day I have ever lived through. Something like 46 degrees in the middle of a heatwave, we didn't even leave the house until 5pm that day.
- Anyways back to business, don't need to say more about the red carpark clip do I? SS...
- "Yeah..." I liked Phillip's Hardflip at St Kilda Beach.
- Lilli Pilli = SS TF
- I think Chase whistled at Phillip at Lucas Heights.
- Olds Park clips are always lovely because of the green grass.
- Hadnam and Macca ripping.
- Jake Demos, coming up in 2002 according to Chris Hebron in an old Crank magazine... well there you go.
- Switch Crooks line is pretty reminiscent to Raja Nasuta.
- Skating away from a little dog looks like fun doesn't it George?
- Can't say much about George's Euro footage, because I wasn't there..

- Minto drains was fun. George saved his board from the water on many occasions. Watch the High Street Video to confirm that.
- Random parks in the Blue Mountains look fun enough to back 3 kicky over.
- Front board biggys must work better on Dane's board.
- Fakie biggys must be more fun after seeing Jake Hayes focus his shoe. Wah :(
- According to Johnzo, skating on Boxing Day is the purest mission of all. Everyone is around, everyone comes out, good times.
- There you go. I hope I unravelled some of their mysteries.
- Ich bin stolz auf dich!